Help For The Ailing Heart
Americans don’t get enough B12 from their diet, especially those who are vegetarians. And we lose the ability to absorb B12 as we age.
The standard American diet almost guarantees the loss of stomach hydrochloric acid, which is required to release vitamin B12 from food. The stomach lining loses its ability to produce intrinsic factor, a protein that binds to vitamin B12. Seniors, especially, beware!
Common Deficiency
B12 deficiency is common in people over age 60. Most conventional doctors pay no attention to vitamin B12 deficiencies. But metabolism can be totally inefficient in generating energy and absorbing vital nutrients.
Well, there is more to getting the right B12. By the age of 50, we are losing our stomach intrinsic factor. To get any benefit at all, we have to take B12 by injection. But those who fear needles shouldn’t worry. You can use very small BD Allergy Syringe needles.
I take B12 shots every two weeks. B12 liquid for injection (cyanocobalamin) is available by prescription; but it is only a vitamin, so your doctor shouldn’t object.
What did Dr. McCully say is required to keep homocysteine at a healthy level to protect the heart? Again, he said that we need daily B6, folic acid and B12. B12 by injection would be excellent once a week for those older than 60. Younger people need it less often.
Vitamin Help
Now we add to the heart protocol vitamin D and K2. Soon we will be able to reverse heart disease and maintain good heart health.
Who among you is not taking vitamin D3 on a daily basis? I take 30,000 international units per day, and I give my wife 20,000 IU because she weighs about 100 pounds less than I do.
For review, vitamin D is a key player in having and maintaining total health. Its benefits are unbelievable!
Vitamin D is a potent neuroregulatory steroidal hormone that influences nearly 3,000 of our 25,000 genes. This is hugely important! Look now: Vitamin D influences dozens of conditions with an emphasis on heart disease, yet there is a broad epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. Some dependable writers say that up to 85 percent of Americans have insufficient vitamin D levels.
Attention Must Be Paid
Please, please pay no attention to the so-called recommended daily allowance (RDA). If you follow it, you will pay a very high price.
Vitamin D influences dozens of conditions. Just look at them: cancer, heart disease, hypertension, obesity, diabetes I and II, cold and flu, aging signs, osteoporosis, seizures, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, schizophrenia, inflammation, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, infertility, depression, asthma, and many more. What would it take to get people on a very-low-cost vitamin D supplement?
Now comes vitamin K2 into the equation for heart health. Vitamin K’s ability to protect us from heart disease has been clearly established. Some researchers even have redefined heart disease as largely a deficiency of vitamin K2.
Well, can we imagine the fabulous synergy of vitamin D and vitamin K2? Yes, and almost everyone has a deficit of K2 as well as D3. Vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 work together to increase Matrix GLA Protein, the protein responsible for protecting our blood vessels from calcification.
Old And New Evidence
One of the undisputed benefits vitamin D provides for you is improved bone development by helping absorb calcium. But this is old news, as it has been known about vitamin D and the absorption of calcium for many decades.
There is now new evidence that vitamin K2 directs calcium to the skeleton while preventing it from being deposited where it is not needed, i.e. your organs, joint spaces and arteries. A very large part of arterial plaque consists of calcium deposits (atherosclerosis), hence the term “hardening of the arteries.”
Vitamin K2 activates a protein hormone called osteocalcin produced by osteoblasts that is needed to bind calcium into the matrix of the bone. At the same time, osteocalcin appears to help prevent calcium from depositing into the arteries.
High Value Targets
This is very high value health information about the critical importance of K2 as a dietary supplement. Scientific studies confirm that increased dietary intake of vitamin K2 does indeed reduce the risk for coronary heart disease.
So have we confused you? Just remember B6, folic acid, B12, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 to relieve and help reverse the symptoms of coronary heart disease.
Most K2 supplements are in the form of MK7. MK7 is extracted from the Japanese fermented soy product called nattokinase. You can actually get loads of MK7 (K2) by consuming natto, which is relatively inexpensive. That way, you get the double benefit of a super blood thinner without the kind of risk you get from drugs.
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