Sunday, June 12, 2022


 Warning Signs You Might Have Diabetes:

Diabetes is a disease that affect how your body processes carbohydrates like sugar. It's a silent killer, affecting 30 million Americans. Many people who have it don't even know it. Whether you have Type I, Type II, or gestational, you need to know the warning signs.
21. Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the worst symptoms of diabetes. High and low blood sugar levels can both cause fatigue, as your body isn't processing the carbohydrates in your body for the energy it needs.
20. Frequent Urination
To deal with high blood sugar levels, your body will attempt to use your kidneys to flush out the extra sugar, this causes a person to drink a lot more water. Because you're drinking more water, you end up having to urinate a lot more often.
19. Lack of Sleep
A side effect of frequent urination is that it interrupts sleep patterns. Many people who are diagnosed as diabetic report problems with sleeping.
18. Dry Mouth
As your kidney uses more water, it can also cause dry mouth. It's important to keep you mouth hydrated as a dry mouth can cause damage to gums and teeth.
17. Vision Changes
Another side effect of high blood sugar, is that fluid will be pulled from all parts of your body. This includes the fluid in the lenses of your eyes causing them to be deformed which will affect your vision.
16. Sudden Weight Loss
Because diabetics can't produce enough insulin to process the carbohydrates in their blood stream, their bodies will turn to fat and protein energy. Your body will go into ketosis, which in the short term will cause some people to lose weight.
15. Increased Appetite
Not being able to process carbohydrates for energy, your muscles and organs will often become starved.<<>This will trigger intense hunger.
14. Fruity Breath Odor
When ketosis occurs chemicals known as ketones will be created. Acetone is a ketone will be exhaled and can be smelled. Some people describe the smell as fruity or bad.
13. Nausea
A build up of ketones from ketosis will make some people feel nauseous and sick. Though not all people who are diabetic or pre-diabetic will suffer from it.
12. Ketones in Urine
Ketones is not only exhaled through the breath, but is also urinated out. You can get ketone tests strips from your pharmacy.
11. Difficult Breathing
When your body goes into ketosis because of diabetes, a condition can occur called Kussmaul breathing due to diabetic ketoacidosis. This is caused when you have very high blood sugar level followed by a high level of ketones in the blood.
10. Tingling in Hands and Feet
Though, not completely clear why, diabetes and high blood sugar will cause damage to nerves and interfere with nerve signals. The first warning signs of this are a tingling sensation in hands and feet.
9. Foot Sores and Ulcers
Tingling in your hands and feet can be extremely dangerous in diabetics. Because of nerve damage and poor blood circulation, as the body can't fight off even small infections from small cuts. Nerve damage will sometimes prevent diabetics from realizing there's anything wrong with their feet until too late.
8. Slow Healing Sores
Because of poor blood circulation any sore will take much longer to heal. Healing need fresh blood flow from red and white blood cells to reach a damaged area.
7. High Blood Pressure
Another consequence of diabetic damage to blood vessels is high blood pressure. Blood vessels will harden and often narrow. This is also known as atherosclerosis and is a leading cause of strokes and heart attacks.
6. Fainting
Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to dehydration and damaged blood vessels. The combination of damage to blood vessels and dehydration can lead to fainting and dizzy spells.
5. Frequent Infections
Diabetes can slow down your bodies ability to fight off infections. High blood sugar also creates a good environment for germs and other pathogens.
4. Gum Disease
Also, because of poor blood circulation, dry mouth, infections, and nerve damage, people with unmanaged diabetes are much more susceptible to gum disease and loss of teeth. Though people who manage their diabetes well are no more prone to gum disease then other people.
3. Headaches
Low and high blood sugar will cause headaches. When blood sugar is too low, your blood vessels will sometimes spasm causing headaches. When blood sugar is too high, kidneys will produce more urine leading to dehydration, which can also cause headaches.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a syndrome that affects women and their menstruation cycle. It is also the most common cause of female infertility.Though no one knows the relationship between diabetes and PCOS, the two seemed to be linked as many Type I and Type II diabetic females have PCOS.
1. Fat and Fat Distribution
You do not have to be overweight to get diabetes. Slim celebrities like Tom Hanks and Halle Berry both developed Type 2 diabetes. But, if you're overweight and especially if the extra fat is concentrated around your abdomen, your chances of getting Type 2 diabetes is greatly increased.
Imelda Alejandro, Jose Joya and 22 others
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 Warning signs your thyroid is out of whack ...

If you notice an unusually enlarged throat, then it could be a sign that you have a goiter, or an enlarged thyroid. This should be a major warning sign. Goiters usually occur with thyroid disorders known as Graves' Disease or Hashimoto’s Disease. Problems that may coexist because of a goiter are trouble swallowing, breathing, hoarseness, tightness in the throat, or even speaking normally. If you’re feeling low on energy, gaining weight, having joint pain and multiple food allergies, these may be some signs your thyroid is out of whack! Insufficient levels of thyroid hormones such as T3 and T4 can wreak havoc on your skin, your weight, your energy, your mood, and how well you tolerate and digest foods. Several things can cause your thyroid to quit functioning properly, such as eating highly goitrogenic foods, eating too much sugar, eating allergenic foods, eating too many processed foods and inorganic produce and meat. Check out these symptoms to find out if your body is dishing out signs your thyroid is out of whack. One of the top signs your thyroid is out of whack is debilitating fatigue. It comes on quickly, regularly and often in the earlier parts of the day, such as mid-morning or afternoon, and becomes a regular issue. The thyroid is responsible for providing you with long lasting energy to get through the day, therefore fatigue can be one of the first symptoms showing that something is wrong. If you feel tired after eating, it could be a certain food that is aggravating your thyroid. If the fatigue is constant and persistent for a period over 2 weeks, seek professional health advice, or implement thyroid-supportive foods.

Signs For Cancer.

 Warning Signs For Cancer:

Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the United States. Many people who die, don't even realize they have it until it too late. And treatment only gets harder and more expensive the longer you wait. That's why it is vital for you to know the early warning signs to let your doctor know.
20. Fatigue or Weakness.
Extreme fatigue and weakness that's not cured by rest. This could be a sign of anemia caused by loss of red blood cells from leukemia, colon, or stomach cancer. As more and more blood cells are lost, there's not enough healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen to the rest of the body.
19. Unusual Weight Loss or Gain.
If you start losing weight, and you haven't changed your diet or exercise, tell your doctor. Loss of appetite can also be because of cancer. As your body tries to fight the cancer naturally, it produces cytokines which decreases appetite. Some cancers can actually cause weight gain. As an ovarian cancer tumor grows, it can retain fluid which can lead to weight gain. So you need to be alert for any sudden weight gain or loss.
18. Unusual Shortness of Breath.
When you don't have enough oxygen in the blood, you feel short of breath. Your lungs try to compensate by making you breath more. This could be a sign of lung cancer or leukemia.
17. Persistent Cough or Hoarseness.
A persistent cough that doesn't go away might be a sign of lung cancer. Hoarseness might mean that you have a problem with cancer of the larynx or thyroid gland.
16. Bleeding in Stool or Urine.
Blood in your stool could be colon or rectal cancer. Blood in the urine may be a sign of bladder or kidney cancer.
15. Discoloration of Skin or Moles.
Any wart, mole, or freckle that changes color, size, or shape, or that loses its sharp border should be seen by a doctor right away. Any skin color change should be told to your doctor right away.
14. Lump or Swelling.
If you notice any new lumps or swelling anywhere on your body, you should see your doctor, especially if the lump is getting bigger or painful. Areas you should be most on guard for new lumps are breast, testicles, lymph nodes, and other soft tissues on your body.
13. Headaches.
Any long lasting pain that last for three or more weeks you should see your doctor. Even if it's not cancer you should have it checked out. Acute headaches are a symptom of leukemia.
12. Sores That Don't Heal.
Skin cancers may bleed and never heal. Mouth sores or white patches inside the mouth that persist could be an oral cancer. Sores on genitalia can also be early warning signs of a cancer.
11. Fever.
Cancer can weaken your immune system, leaving you vulnerable to infections which shows up as fevers. If you find that you are constantly getting fevers have your doctor check you out.
10. Yellow Eyes and Jaundice.
Your skin and the whites of your eye can change for many reasons, some of them could be very serious even if it's not cancer. Yellowing is often a sign that you are having liver problems. The liver problems could be from a variety of serious causes, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and several different types of cancer. If you notice that your eyes or skin have changed color, notify your doctor.
9. Difficulty Swallowing.
If you occasionally have problems swallowing, do not panic. Everyone has problems swallowing every now and then, this is normal. But, if you have difficulty swallowing along with vomiting or weight loss and it lasts for more than a few weeks, then your doctor may want to check for stomach or throat cancer.
8. Bloating.
Like problems with swallowing, every one feels bloated occasionally, especially if they ate a lot or drank a lot of fluids. Bloating is only a warning sign if it's persistent and lasts for several weeks. A bloated belly could be a sign of ovarian cancer.
7. Changes in Voice.
If you or someone else notices changes in your voice, especially if it gets deeper, hoarser, and raspier, then this could be a cancer sign. Again, this only applies if the voice change lasts for more than a few weeks. Voice changes can be caused by a lung cancer tumor affecting the nerve that controls the larynx or if you're a woman, it could be ovarian cancer interfering with your hormones.
6. Swollen Leg.
If one of your legs looks or feels swollen for no reason. This could be an indication of cervical cancer. Typically, a swollen leg by itself isn't a sign of cancer unless you also have pain, unusual discharge, or some other sign of cervical or kidney cancer.
5. Heavy Night Sweats.
Heavy night sweats alone is not a source of concern. But heavy night sweats can be an early indicator of cancers of the lymph nodes. People who have heavy night sweats caused by cancer usually have other early warning symptoms as well as fevers and unexplained weight loss.
4. Indigestion and Nausea.
Indigestion and nausea can be a symptom of cancer, especially of the esophagus and stomach. Though most times it's not a source of concern, a doctor should check it out if indigestion and nausea occurs often, it comes on suddenly, or if it's particularly painful, especially if you are over the age of 55. Even if it isn't cancer it could be still be a symptom of something else that is serious, like an ulcer.
3. Changes in Bladder Control.
If you find that your bathroom habits are changing this could an early warning sign for several types of cancer. Problems include over active bladder, problems urinating, or not being able to completely empty your bladder. This could be an early symptom of cancer of the bladder. Or, if you're a man, it could be a sign of prostate cancer. And if you're a woman, it could mean ovarian or cervical cancer.
2. Belly Pain That Moves to the Back.
The pancreas is a vital organ in digestion It releases many enzymes vital for the breakdown of nutrients. Cancer of the pancreas is extremely serious. Pancreatic cancer often starts off as belly pain that often over time starts to migrate to the back area.
1. Abnormalities in Vision.
Abnormalities in vision, such as double vision, is serious even if not cancer. It could be a symptom of diabetes, a weakening of the eye muscles, multiple sclerosis, an aneurysm, head injury, or even cancer. A brain tumor behind the eye, could damage the nerves to the eye muscles causing the double vision.