Way back when Hippocrates was telling his compatriots to "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food," he wasn't just talking about laying off the ancient Greek equivalent of Twinkies. Pretty much every day-to-day health ailment can be cured with a healthy diet. He knew it then, and we know it now—we just prefer to take the easy way out and reach for a pill bottle or make an appointment with an M.D. That gets expensive and inconvenient, especially when these
9 Weird Food Cures—for everything from PMS to a mild case of the blues—are no further than your refrigerator.
Bonus Tip: Fatty foods like sausage and peanut butter were recently found to contain high levels of an industrial flame retardant. Grossed out? Here's how to keep from getting burned by
Sausage's Unpleasant Side Effect.
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