Sunday, March 31, 2013


Boost your immune system with belly-friendly fare
Your gut is like a forest, full of diverse life that—if kept in check—helps your whole body flourish. The problem is, modern cuisine can suppress this protective gastrointestinal army, and even modern medicines like antibiotics can do a real number on the biodiversity in your digestive tract. That leads to a whole host of illnesses, doctors are finding, including increased susceptibility to colds, allergies, digestive problems, and possibly high cholesterol or other heart problems. So keep your health in check with The 7 Best Foods for Your Gut, full of helpful probiotics that will restore you to optimal health.

Bonus Tip: Here's another reason to go organic: a recent study found that pesticides could be a potential source of norovirus, otherwise known as "winter vomiting disease," because they can be diluted with contaminated water. Are Pesticides Making You Puke? Find out more from Rodale News.

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