Sunday, January 27, 2013

How most doctors fall tragically short
Dear Reader,

I struggle with comfort-food cravings just like everyone else. And I'm the first to admit that just because I have an M.D. after my name, doesn't mean I have superpowers. But I do believe that physicians should lead by example.

I strive to do that every day, living the best, healthiest lifestyle I can, so I can show my patients it is possible.

This is why I was so disheartened when I read an article the other day discussing this very topic. The author--a doctor--wrote, "We can't all be Dr. Oz and do yoga and take fish oil every day."

I wanted to cry or scream--or both. She's setting a tragically low standard. If physicians can't do even those simple things consistently, then how can we teach our patients to achieve greatness?

America is literally eating itself to death. I don't want you to become one of those people.

I can give you all the tools you need to be the healthiest you you can be...and you'd better believe I'm certainly using them myself!

Together we can overcome our struggles, feel better about ourselves, and live healthier than ever. 

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