Monday, April 8, 2013


Dodge pesticides by swearing off these products' conventional counterparts
In a perfect world, you would have all the time and resources you need to make everything from scratch. But who are we kidding? Between work, family, and social obligations, few among us can come close to the Donna Reeds of yore, and thus, to the packaged food aisles we go. But are you putting your health at risk every time you reach for something with an ingredients statement? Not always, but certain processed foods harbor high levels of unhealthy pesticides that can make it through the rigors of food processing and onto your plate. So if you want to keep your health and your sanity, check out these 6 Packaged Foods You Should Always Buy Organic.

Bonus Tip: Eat an artichoke to improve digestion. Why? They're rich in inulin, a prebiotic that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut. But these spiked veggies can be intimidating if you've never prepared one by yourself. Score the nutritional benefits and impress your friends with these tips on How to Trim an Artichoke from Organic Gardening.

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