Thursday, September 27, 2012


Upgrade your side order and dodge oil-soaked spuds using this guide
When French food makes its way to America, things tend to go haywire. Le French bread? Pure carbs. Le French dressing? Pure fat, mixed with water and magically tinted the color of Tang. And the worst offender of all: Les French fries.

We've become so addicted to the crispy, salty, tender treats that nearly half of all potatoes harvested in the country wind up in the deep fryer. (And we eat an average of 130 pounds of taters, per person, every year.) But not every fry is created equal. While no one will ever accuse les frites of being a health food, there are some you can enjoy with relative impunity. Discover The Best and Worst French Fries in America—and order accordingly.

Bonus Tip: Just like weight loss, staying in good health can be trickier than it seems. From applying sunscreen to drying your hands, Discover the Simple Health Habits You're Doing Wrong—and learn how to do them right.

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