Sunday, September 30, 2012

Big Pharma Wants Your Money And Your Life

When we say we “caught a cold” or we “caught the flu,” we are promoting establishment medicine and huge profits for them. All of the vaccination and immunization industry is based on a germ theory of disease, which simply says that viruses and bacteria are transferred from one person to another by “germs.” Almost nobody questions this dogma.
Yet if we think about it for a minute, it’s downright foolish. Such foolishness flows to unthinking masses that live by medical-establishment propaganda.
Disease Lies
If John Doe or Mary Sue in a community “catches” a virus, then the germ theory says that everyone who comes in contact with either of these two will “catch” the virus. We absolutely know that this is not true. We also know that in the flu epidemic of 1918 or any other disease epidemic, not all who came in contact with the virus got sick. There is no applied external immunity. Immunity is internal.
This in no way implies that we should be careless with personal hygiene and sanitation. It is the human organism that provides its own immunity; otherwise, the human race would have been extinct for thousands of years.
Many people walked and worked in the midst of the bubonic plague and did not die or even get sick. Ninety percent of the people are reported to have died. All may be true, but what about the 10 percent who survived? Nothing else needs to be known to refute the germ theory of disease.
Profitable Vaccines
Vaccines are for profit upon the bodies of infants, children and adults. Legally speaking, under the pretense of immunization health, almost all ages are under assault. “The lowest forms of filth known to man are injected into the unknowing population.” (From the book Bacteria, Inc.)
We are told and intimidated over and over by medical propaganda that we must be protected internally from diseases that originate in the external environment.
Against the assault of these “microscopic organism” bacteria, we are told that we must protect ourselves with immunizing shots for smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, colds, influenza, pneumonia, scarlet fever, whooping cough and many other invading armies of disease microbes.
All authorities — from the Federal government down to the clinics and school personnel — embrace this myth as gospel. And the Federal government, in symbiotic fraternity with the drug cartel, even pays for many shots. The people, sick and poor, don’t have a chance against this assault. Why do they not guarantee us to be disease-free? Where is the “Science of Preventive Medicine?”
Promises Of Protection
Countless new serums and vaccines are developed with the promise of perfect protection from the ravages of external and communicable disease. Scientists know that bacteria cannot ferment or decompose living tissue. Instead, bacteria feed on broken-down body cells. Until it can be shown that bacteria or viruses have an affinity for healthy cells, the belief that they cause disease will remain unsupportable. Instead, bacteria are scavengers that keep the body clean.
Misguided Theory
“Immunization to date has been based on the Ehrlich theory that the inoculation of disease products in sub-pathogenic doses creates antibodies, or defending entities, against any subsequent mass invasion. Not only is there no evidence of these so-called antibodies being formed, but there is ground for believing that the injected germ proteins hybridize with the body proteins to form new tribes, half-animal and half-human, whose characteristics and effects cannot be predicted. Even non-toxic bacterial substances sometimes hybridize with serum albumins to form specific poisons which continue to multiply, breed and cross-breed ad infinitum, doing untold harm as its reproductivity may continue while life lasts.” (From Bacteria, Inc. pp 19ff)
The marked increase of old diseases in children and adults and the development of new ones parallel the expansion of “preventive medicine” and warrant suspicion and examination. All originate because commercialism is the God of modern medicine.

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