Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Unbridled 'Illness Inducer' Often Ignored That May Be Making You Sick   trapped emotional energy
Hardly anyone knows how to fight this unavoidable illness-inducing gangster... now linked to nearly every illness. But fortunately, there's a simple way to fight and win against this debilitating health influencer...

Primary Heart Attack Trigger That's Widely Unknown and Extremely Deadly   6 factors predicting heart attack risk
Why risk a fatal heart attack when you can stop it by nurturing and protecting this part of your system that's a major trigger for heart attacks? And this trigger is even more deadly for women. Here's how to address this killer... along with these 6 ways to "heart attack-proof" yourself.

300 Scientists and Physicians Proclaim, "We've Been Misled"   altered genes twisted truth gmo part 2
Researchers, scholars, physicians, and scientists are coming together to disclose what may be the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on the American people. Twenty-three years ago, a decision was made that clearly violated US law and today we're reeling from its effects.

European Technique Effortlessly Burns Toxic Metals Out of Your Body... Why Do We Ignore It?   benefits using sauna
This is perhaps the easiest way to cut your risk of death from fatal heart attack, by up to half. Not only does it help you detoxify, it improves your blood circulation and tends to relieve stress and help you sleep better. In some cultures they do it daily, but not in America...

To Help Dodge Cancer, Keep Your Daily Intake of This Below 5%
It's a difficult food to avoid. In fact, the average American consumes one-third of a pound per day - but the World Health Organization is warning against consuming more than 5% of your calories as this - it could lead to diabetes, heart disease, or even cancer...

Laced with Toxins, But They Were Probably on Your Dinner Plate Tonight   8 worst processed food ingredients
These 8 "worst of the worst" food ingredients can wallop your health, linked to many chronic diseases, including Parkinson's, cancer, liver cirrhosis, Alzheimer's, and more. But they're probably on your dinner plate, unless you take great care to avoid them.

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