Monday, April 27, 2015

When Losing Over 5lbs Causes Weak Bones

Eye-Opening New Study Suggest Shedding Pounds May
Actually Increase Your Risk Of Fractures And Breaks.

If you have weak bones, then here’s some urgent news.

Scientists have recently connected losing weight with an increased risk of bone loss.

How can something that is considered healthy like getting 
a flat belly cause bone density problems?

At first, experts were at a loss. After all, shedding pounds from your belly should have no effect on your bones.

But in a recent study, researchers made a breakthrough...

They found that when people are trying to lose weight, they often do situps and crunches.

Unfortunately, these exercises may actually draw minerals from your bones… and weaken them.

In the study the scientists demonstrated this by dividing overweight volunteers into two groups.

One group was instructed to complete a set of weight loss exercises every day for 4 months. The second group was asked to keep their weight stable.

At the end of the study, the scientists weighed the volunteers and measured their bone strength.

They found that the weight loss group shed over 5 lbs but also  ‘had a significant decrease in bone strength’.

The scientists concluded that weight loss exercises can lead to bone problems.

What does this mean for you?

If you plan to lose weight, but you are worried about your bones, then you need to use exercises that do NOT weaken bone structure.

For example...

  • Low-impact weight-bearing exercises like using elliptical training machines, stair-step machines, or fast walking on a treadmill are a fantastic way to build bone strength.

  • Balance exercises like Tai Chi strengthen your legs, put weight on your bones and test your balance.

Of course, exercise is only one way to prevent fractures and weaknesses. If you would like to discover more tips and tricks, just watch this short presentation now…

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