Red Bull may give you proverbial wings, but a single, slender can of the stuff is so doused in sweeteners and caffeine that the only thing you'll fly toward is a late-day sugar crash. In fact, many energy drinks pack as much sugar as a can of soda—which means they can pad pounds onto your waistline, too. Not so eager to take a sip now, are you? The good news: You can get a natural, better buzz with some simple swaps. Find out about
The Best (and Worst) Energy Drinks and you'll never quaff empty calories again.
Bonus Tip: Despite its health halo—protein! selenium!—chicken can be a total snoozefest when it's your go-to dinner night after night. But with
10 Slimming Chicken Dishes, courtesy of
Prevention, you'll find plenty of ways to revamp this diet darling.
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