Friday, November 9, 2012


Fight flab with every forkful of these powerful ingredients
Don't think food can help you flatten your belly? Consider this: In a recent study, Louisiana State University scientists discovered that people who ate half a grapefruit three times a day lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks, even though they hadn't deliberately altered any other part of their diets. Although the mechanism isn't clear, the researchers speculate that grapefruit's acidity may slow your rate of digestion, helping keep you full longer. Want to know five more ways to eat yourself skinny? Check out this list of 6 Essential Flat-Belly Foods.

Bonus Tip: When you lose weight, your work is far from over; you also have to keep it off. This can be easier said than done, but luckily for you, we've cracked the code. Discover the Best Diet to Keep Weight Off—and stay skinny for life!

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