Thursday, October 18, 2012

How To Take Advantage Of Astaxanthin

While astaxanthin is part of a relatively well-known class of antioxidants called carotenoids, its benefits are just now being discovered due to its rare occurrence in nature. It turns out that astaxanthin is found almost exclusively in a type of microalgae known as H. Pluvialis, which only certain pink-hued creatures, such as salmon and flamingos, consume. To get clinically beneficial amounts of astaxanthin, you'd have to eat a minimum of 6 ounces of wild salmon every day. (Farm raised salmon is very low in natural astaxanthin.) This is not only difficult, inconvenient and expensive, but most experts do not recommend eating seafood daily due to potential contamination. This is why an astaxanthin supplement is your best bet. 

My 3 Tips For Choosing The Best Supplement

When shopping for an astaxanthin supplement, there are three indispensable tips I can give you. 

  1. Make sure the bottle says "natural astaxanthin," ideally from the marine algae species H. Pluvialis. Avoid synthetic astaxanthin as it can have less than half the antioxidant potency.
  2. You need to take 4 milligrams per day. Anything less and you won't be getting clinically beneficial amounts.
  3. Don't pay more than $25 for a one-month supply. Many companies are taking advantage of the hype surrounding astaxanthin and charging more than double this.

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