Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Preventative Measure that May Cost You Your Life
It’s that time of year. The flyers are everywhere. Doctors are pushing them. Your local pharmacy is offering them at discount. Some companies are even offering them to employees for free.
They think they are doing you a favor. But are they really? Or could their “good” intentions be putting you in danger?
We already told you how this “preventative” measure doesn’t work.
And now, what’s become a multibillion-dollar industry may be costing you more than just a trip to the clinic and a waste of time. It may actually cost you your life. And if not your life, some very serious side effects.
Health officials keep saying they are perfectly safe. But something that is supposed to keep you healthy yet causes the very disease it’s designed to prevent does not sound perfectly safe.
Yes, we are talking about the seasonal flu vaccine. Its lack of effectiveness is not fresh news. We’ve told you all that before. But now we have more confirmation that this “protective” shot is worse than anyone thought. 
The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control just released a new double-blind study using ferrets. Researchers used ferrets because of their human-like susceptibility to colds and the flu. For the study, Dr. Danuta Skowronski administered the flu vaccine to the ferrets. The results didn’t just show that the vaccine was ineffective. It showed the ferrets that received the vaccine became significantly sicker than the other animals.
You read that correctly.  It didn’t keep the animals healthier, it made them sicker!
There have been numerous other studies on the vaccine and the chemicals in it. They all confirm their life-threatening side effects. But the government still wants to push the vaccine on you.
So what are you really putting in your body if you get a flu shot?

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