Monday, October 29, 2012

Eat This Before Your Workout for a Strong Recovery
In our society, more is better. Especially when it comes to exercise these days… the more extreme, the better.  CrossFit.  Extreme obstacle races.  Insanity.  You get the idea.
But the truth is, exercise is hard on your body.
You have to take precautions.
The result? The current protein craze.  People are downing protein shakes and bars pre- and post-workout. They think because muscle is protein and that’s what they are working, that the body needs protein to repair and protect itself.
Dr. Mark Fogarty from Edinburgh Napier University doesn’t buy into the hype. He’s an expert in sport physiology and has done several studies on exercise, free radicals, and oxidative stress. 
And he’s just discovered a new pre-workout snack that helps protect your body during strenuous exercise. Plus it gives you a little boost. His new study was published in the British Journal of Nutrition.
Dr. Fogarty shines light on this super-food that is rich in antioxidants. We know antioxidants are valuable in fighting free radicals.
Exercise – The Good and the Bad
During exercise, oxidation and DNA damage occurs. Because of the increased blood circulation, you need more oxygen during a grueling workout and so do your tissues.
This lack of oxygen creates a buildup of free radicals. And we know free radicals are shown to have a hand in everything from aging to cancer.
But there’s no need to run off and cancel your gym membership. Dr. Fogarty’s new findings show you can protect yourself with an item right out of the produce department.
It is part of the cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli family. And it has ten-times as many helpful chemicals as any other vegetable. Or fruit for that matter…

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