Sunday, July 3, 2022

 Why Controlling Blood Sugar Levels Is Key To Mastering Your Body Fat


Hi it's David here...


Are you experiencing issues controlling your body weight? Perhaps you have been on diet after diet but never seem to get the results that you were looking for. Are you at the same time also trying to learn how to control and manage your blood glucose levels?


The fact is, how well you are able to control your blood glucose levels is going to be a key regulator in how well you are able to manage your body fat levels.


How so?


Let’s go over this concept so that you can fully understand just how important it is to keep your blood glucose levels in check.


Whenever you eat carbohydrates in the diet, especially simple forms of carbohydrates that break down easily, they are broken down into tiny glucose molecules.


As these glucose molecules enter the blood, they, as you probably already know, begin to increase your blood sugar levels.


Now, your body likes to keep tight control on blood sugar. When too much sugar enters the bloodstream, it’s like red flags go up and the body knows that something isn’t right.


The way in which your body controls this is by releasing insulin from the pancreas into the blood stream. Insulin is a hormone that will remove some of this glucose from the blood, returning it back to a safer and healthier level.


But, here comes the big point you need to know about – where does the insulin take that glucose? Imagine insulin as a bus that is shuttling those glucose molecules around your body.


That bus is going straight to your body fat cells. The only exception to this is if you just finished an intense workout session and there is now room for that glucose in your muscle tissues. Glucose in the muscles is converted into muscle glycogen, which serves as the primary fuel source during exercise. So after exercise, eating glucose and experiencing insulin release is fine – encouraged in fact as it can promote faster recover.


But, after exercise is over, that insulin is simply contributing to fat gain. So, if controlling your body fat levels is a priority for you, it’s important that you do whatever you can to get insulin levels in check. This means managing your blood glucose levels.


See how they are all connected?


So next time you are tempted to go in for that sugary donut or the soda that you crave, think about this process. Do you really want to fuel that bus full of glucose to your fat cells? If not, it’s time to put that food back down on the table.


Talk to you soon!

-David Andrews

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