Thursday, November 27, 2014

Get 8 different b-vitamins all in one pill!
Energy, muscle function, metabolism, cardiovascular health…B vitamins do a lot for your overall health! But getting all of the B's in one place has never been easy. Now, you can have them all in ONE PLACE and with HUGE doses. Dr. Pescatore's Balance B Complex gives you every B-vitamin in just one tablet a day! That's 8 different b-vitamins all in one pill! With Balanced B Complex in your cabinet, you can stay charged with the power of every b-vitamin--and it's just so easy! Experience the power for yourself. Try Balanced B Complex today
Get scrambling
Dear Reader,

I've been saying this for years. But now a new study confirms that eggs do not--I repeat, do not--have an adverse effect on the heart. Even in patients with diabetes, who are already at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Did everyone hear that? (How about you, American Heart Association? Hello, listening?)

In fact, the researchers also found that following an egg-rich diet for three months offered some significant benefits in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Better appetite control, for one. Of course, this discovery may get the "duh" award of the week--and it's only Monday.

Eggs help with appetite control because they're packed with protein. And eating protein--rather than bagels, donuts, and the other simple carbs most Americans eat for breakfast--naturally makes you feel more full for much longer.

Other benefits associated with eating plenty of eggs included greater enjoyment of foods, less boredom, and more satisfaction with the diet. And subjects in the group that ate two eggs per day, six days a week, actually had better HDL (good) cholesterol levels than the group that ate just two eggs per week.

And guess what? There were no differences between the two groups with respect to LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, triglycerides, or glycemic control.

The researchers also made the point that numerous other studies have indicated that high egg consumption isn't associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes in the general population.

Which makes the national guidelines on egg consumption and total dietary cholesterol intake all the more maddening.

Current guidelines (set by the U.S. Heart Association) recommend no more than four eggs a week. Why? Because they believe dietary cholesterol should be limited to less than 300 mg/day. And a single egg has approximately 200 mg of cholesterol.

But this new study (not to mention dozens of others that came before it) proves that eating a dozen eggs per week--three times the "recommended" number--WON'T negatively impact your cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

If the government wants to do something healthy for us, they should stop worrying so much about fat and cholesterol, and start focusing on the REAL enemy hiding in our food supply--sugar.

So I'll finish up by telling you the same thing I tell my patients who have been brainwashed into egg-phobia: Eggs are one of Nature's most perfect foods. Eat as many as you like. Just make sure they come from free-range hens. You can find free-range eggs in most supermarkets these days. So, really, there's no excuse not to eat one of the world's most perfect foods... in its most perfect form.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred


"Egg-Rich Diet Not Harmful in Type 2 Diabetes," MedScape, 10/6/14 (
Immunity Rot. The biggest American
health concern of the 21st century?
The details contained in this video are downright startling…

Three times over the past 5 years, the brightest minds in medicine met behind closed doors to discuss an emerging health phenomenon.

An estimated 40 million Americans over the age of 55 are currently affected…

So why is hardly anyone is talking about this?

In this exclusive video, one doctor is finally breaking the silence on this 21st century health phenomenon…

Find out what you haven’t been told here
Are There Malicious Ebola Secrets the US Government Wants to Hide from You?   us ebola outbreak
This localized outbreak has been turned into a global public emergency, and believe it or not, there's reason to suspect American and International authorities actually want this highly contagious disease to become as widespread as HIV/AIDS.

Fluoride Intake Increasing Bone Fractures
Fluoride is known to increase bone mass, but the "benefit" is deceiving because bigger bones don't always mean stronger bones...

Fish oil scores another win in its long line of victories

If you're not already taking fish oil, here's another reason to start ASAP.

According to a recent study, fish oil significantly improves triglyceride levels. As I've mentioned before, triglycerides are an important heart health marker (much more important than cholesterol, if you ask me). The higher your triglyceride levels, the higher your risk of heart disease.

But researchers found that after taking 1,500 mg of fish oil per day for just 8 weeks, subjects at moderate risk for cardiovascular disease had reduced triglycerides compared to the placebo group.

Just imagine how much they'd benefit if they took my recommended dose--3,000 mg per day.

And, remember, it's not just your heart that benefits from fish oil ... it's great for your brain, too. Back in January, I told you about a study that found regular use of fish oil supplements resulted in a significant reduction of cognitive decline and brain shrinkage in older adults.

There's also a load of other benefits, from blood clot prevention to prostate protection. So, once again, if you're not already taking fish oil (containing 3,000 mg of EPA/DHA) every day, it's high time you start.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred


"Exposure to television food advertising primes food-related cognitions and triggers motivation to eat, "Psychology & Health 2014; 29(10)

"Fish-oil supplementation alters numbers of circulating endothelial progenitor cells and microparticles independently of eNOS genotype, "Am J Clin Nutr 2014; 100: 1,232-1,243
Anti-aging "Mega-find"
discovered in lush New Zealand pastures
And it doesn't require flash-in-the-pan fitness fads, dime-a-dozen dieting scams or million-dollar wrinkle serums. Just one delicious scoop of this anti-aging wonder-discovery could help...
  • Build muscle strength
  • Lose weight
  • Enjoy clear, smooth and youthful looking skin
But that's only the beginning... Keep reading about this stunning anti-aging breakthrough
Is TV feeding your food addiction?
Dear Reader,

In today's edition of "how could this actually still surprise anyone?", new research suggests food ads may prompt overweight and obese people to overeat. Really? Food advertising causes people to think about food? Somebody call MENSA.

The study, published in Psychology & Health, examined whether exposure to food advertising led to more food-related thoughts and whether it motivated participants to eat. Of course it does. I mean, even I get hungry when I see these sorts of ads. You know the ones--decadent-looking ice cream sundaes...piping hot, gooey pizzas... They're designed to make your mouth water. And to make the nearest drive-thru your next stop.

But despite the fact that the study seems obvious, I'm still intrigued by the details...and I think it's important to share them with you, so that you're aware of how our brains work--and the effect the media can have on your thought process. Especially when it comes to food.

The researchers conducted two experiments using a combination of normal-weight and overweight/obese subjects. First, they showed the participants general (non-food) television commercials. Then they had the subjects watch a mix of general and food-related commercials.

After each viewing period, subjects were asked to rate their desire to eat and complete "word stems" by looking at the first few letters of a word and then "filling in the blanks" to finish it.

The researchers found that after they watched food-related commercials, both groups came up with more food- and eating-related words. The food commercials also increased the desire to eat. But ONLY in the overweight/obese subjects.

They found that overweight and obese people show increased activation in the brain's reward system in response to food cues. And that, my friend, is addiction--in no uncertain terms.

Our government, medical system, and insurance industry are all supposed to help addicts. And they do so admirably in many instances--except in the case of food.

This study proves that advertising does have an impact on people's behavior when it comes to food. In particular, the people who are most vulnerable to the harmful effects of the junk they see plastered on billboards and TV screens everywhere they look.

As far as I'm concerned, we should ban junk food advertising the way we've banned tobacco ads. Junk food is just as addictive--and every bit as deadly. 
The simple substance that can spiral into
Brain Enemy No. 1
Brain SludgeThere's something deep inside your brain that has neuro-researchers sitting on the edge of their lab seats. We ALL have it. You, me, our friends and family. And while there is still a lot to discover about this mystery substance--breakthrough research suggests it can impact your brain in very powerful ways.
  • Mucking-up your memory...
  • Clusters gunking up your neurons and...
  • And maybe even zapping the energy from your brain cells!
Discover all the dirty ins and out of this substance--including what Washington University researchers revealed--and how you can help make your golden years--your SMARTEST years. 
6 Ways to Lose Weight at Panera
No need to strike Panera from your diet-friendly GPS! Panera Bread does a great job of providing healthy options if you know where to look and what to avoid. Here are6 ways to navigate Panera’s menu so you lose weight rather than pack on pounds. We even included a dessert.
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Learn The Secrets!
Freaky Frankenfoods: Now that Halloween’s over, the scariest monsters are on your plate.
Best Frozen Family Meals: If you have to buy a frozen meal, turn to these top picks.
Tips from the Pros: Learn to snack the doctor-approved way (spoiler alert: it’s also delicious).
Bar Menu Survival Guide: Eat, drink, and be merry without counting calories.
5 Factors That Make Your Waistline Grow, No Matter How Much You Eat or Exercise
Most people are totally unaware of these 5 hidden reasons behind today's expanding waistlines. So before you scold yourself for eating too many calories or skipping a workout, take a closer look at these five little-known factors that are scientifically proven to fuel weight gain.

There's Something Fishy About Your Shrimp
When you eat shrimp, there's a very good chance you're eating seafood that's very different from what's stated on the package label or restaurant menu.
The New Religion: Will This 'Holy Grail' Really Wipe Out All Causes of Sickness and Death?   vaccination health freedom
As medical scientists increasingly use religious symbols and crusading language to describe this controversial procedure, do you dare question or speak out against it and risk being labelled an anti-science heretic and threat to public health? Here's why you must join the conversation. 

10 Things You May Not Know About Laughter
Laughter is a form of universal communication that has profound effects on your mental and physical health and well-being.
The blood sugar video they hoped would never leak
This might get me in trouble with some of my colleagues but when I first saw this video I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself…

 It finally exposes a mindboggling misstep that could be robbing you (and anyone suffering from blood sugar concerns) of untold sums of hard-earned cash!

But you won’t believe how simple it is to avoid and how much easier maintaining your healthy blood sugar could be once you do.

Really, once I saw it I couldn’t believe this didn’t get caught sooner.

Take a look and be sure to spread the word! 
Got milk? Get rid of it.
Dear Reader,

A couple of weeks back, I gave you a friendly reminder to say no to soy...and, yes, that includes soy milk. But that doesn't mean you should gulp regular old cow's milk to your heart's content. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I've always asserted that cow's milk isn't really fit for human consumption. Not only is it one of the most common allergens, but it's also filled with sugar (lactose).

Yet, despite these shortcomings, mainstream medicine and various big government agencies (namely the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or USDA) haven't seemed to get past the notion that drinking milk is the best way to keep your bones strong. But a new study not only disproves milk's oft-touted bone-strengthening superpowers as nothing but good PR--it also highlights an alarming risk associated with regularly donning a milk mustache.

The study, published in the Oct. 28 issue of The British Medical Journal, suggests that consuming just a few glasses of milk per day may increase risk of death.

In this study, researchers in Sweden found that a specific sugar naturally present in cow's milk, called D-galactose, increases oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Previous animal experiments have shown that chronic exposure to galactose can expedite aging and decrease lifespan. You know how I feel about animal studies, but it's worth noting in this case--especially now that this human study confirms it.

The authors monitored over 61,000 women for 20 years and over 45,000 men for 11 years, and found that drinking more than three glasses of milk a day resulted in a higher risk of mortality. The risk was especially significant among women.

The research team also found higher milk consumption provided absolutely NO reduction in fracture risk--for men or women.

Meanwhile, three cups of milk per day is the USDA's go-to recommendation for maintaining healthy blood pressure, reducing cardiovascular disease risk, protecting against colorectal cancer, and boosting muscle mass. And considering that the U.S. government subsidizes the milk industry, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to change their tune any time in the near future--regardless of the new research.

Don't forget: The USDA exists solely to promote agriculture--not our health.

By the way, the study focused only on the association between fractures and overall mortality and milk consumption, not on links to cardiovascular disease. There is still no definitive evidence that indicates whether milk is good or bad for heart health. But if milk increases oxidative stress, a little common sense should tell the so-called "experts" that it can't possibly be good for your heart.

And, while I'm on the subject, shame on the "experts" touting chocolate milk for athletes. Chocolate milk is a double "don't," with its double dose of sugar from the chocolate and the milk itself. The only ad campaign that's worse is the one specific brand of chocolate milk geared towards brainwashing parents into thinking their chocolate milk is healthy for kids. Outrageous.

Bottom line: Cow's milk doesn't do "a body good." Unsweetened rice, coconut, or almond milk are great substitutes that aren't loaded with sugar--and won't put you at risk.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred


"Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies," BMJ 2014; 349:g6015

"High milk intake linked with higher fractures and mortality, research suggests." ScienceDaily, 10/28/14 (
Right now, these FIVE toxins are destroying your body
A shocking EPA report confirms-the five most dangerous toxins are lurking inside 100% of Americans tested. 100%!

That means dangerous chemicals could be hard at work crushing your metabolism, sapping your energy, sabotaging your immune system OR WORSE.

Tune into this revealing presentation and learn what these dangerous chemicals are doing to your body and how you can help your body naturally...DEFEAT TOXIC BUILDUP IN JUST 14 DAYS!

It's fast, it's effective, unbelievably affordable and it's so simple, no one will even know you're detoxing
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3 Foods That May Be Sickening Americans More Than Any
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These 3 foods have become a mainstay on American plates and all genetically engineered and loaded with pesticides, which only ratchets up their hazard profile. There's no doubt they are primary contributors to disease and failing health. Are you still eating them?

Are There Illegal Drugs in Your Dairy?
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10 Nutrition Myths—Busted!
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Dear Reader,

One of medicine's most powerful "super vegetables" is finally back in season.

Locked within this vegetable are cancer-blasting compounds. Compounds scientists are absolutely swooning over.
cancer fruit
One is stopping the spread of tumors, helping to lower the overall risk of cancer, another is halting the proliferation of prostate cancer cells! In fact, one study showed breast cancer survivors who ate the most of this one -vegetable lowered their risk of recurrence by 35% and risk of overall mortality from any cancer by 62%!

All you have to do is eat it--it's that simple!

Get the details on what's being called the "Garden of Eden" vegetable while it's still in season.

Click here for more details.

Karen Reddel
Publisher; Logical Health Alternatives

P.S. With all of this cancer-battling power, you'll want to eat the Garden of Eden vegetable year round. That's why it's so important to get to the grocery store within the next two months, stock up and freeze as much as you can. Click here to get details on this incredible vegetable now. 

No bones about it: Resveratrol's a wonder supplement

Resveratrol is a wonder supplement for its circulation benefits alone. Last year I told you about a study in which patients taking resveratrol experienced a 23-percent improvement in flow-mediated dilation (a measure of blood vessel function).

As I've mentioned many times, healthy circulation is critical to your health. And it's also one of the first things to suffer under the weight of obesity.

But today I want to tell you about some new research on resveratrol, which uncovered a whole other benefit to this already-spectacular supplement.

The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, showed that resveratrol led to an improvement in spinal bone density. Researchers studied resveratrol supplementation in a group of middle-aged men with metabolic syndrome (a condition characterized byabdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, high blood pressure, high fasting blood glucose and low HDL cholesterol).

The men received either 500 mg resveratrol, 75 mg resveratrol or a placebo two times per day for 16 weeks. Bone mineral density, geometry and microstructure were assessed before treatment and at the study's conclusion.

And the findings were stunning: Men who received 1,000 mg of resveratrol per day experienced a 2.6-percent increase in bone mineral density in their lumbar spines by the end of the study compared to the placebo group.

Lead author Marie Juul Ørnstrup, MD, of Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, concluded, "Our findings suggest [resveratrol] stimulates bone-forming cells within the body."

When I recommend resveratrol to my patients, they inevitably ask me if they can just "drink the benefits," since resveratrol is derived from red wine polyphenols. Well I hate to spoil your bacchanalian fun, but... no. Red wine is loaded with polyphenols...but it's also loaded with sugar. Which cancels out the benefit.

My recommendation is to take resveratrol in supplement form. I typically recommend 500 mg a day, but if you're at increased risk of osteoporosis, you can talk to your doctor about increasing the dose.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred 
Your own, personal Fountain of Youth…
and it’s flowing with CHOCOLATE!
This “guilty pleasure” may very well be the key to aging younger—starting TODAY. But not just any chocolate can give you these revitalizing benefits. Clinical research shows that one specific kind reigns supreme. Watch this new video now to discover how you can harness the rejuvenating power hidden inside this decadent treat. 
Mind the gap: The widening divide
in healthy vs. unhealthy food prices
Dear Reader,

Today I'd like to discuss something that is extremely discouraging to me-and something I hope will make you angry. (Add it to the ever-growing list of things to be angry about when it comes to the government "protecting" our health.)

According to recent research, the price gap between unhealthy, packaged, processed foods and fresh, organic, healthier options has grown much wider over the last 10 years.

The researchers found that while the average price of both unhealthy and healthy foods grew over the period, the increase has been greater for more healthy foods, making them progressively more expensive over time.

While healthy foods have always been more expensive than their unhealthier counterparts, the size of the price gap between the two has increased by a whopping 28.6 percent in the past 10 years, according to this research. This gap isn't just unacceptable--it's an outrage.

And while this particular study was done in the U.K., the situation is the same--if not worse--in this country.

Though the price disparity between junk food and whole, natural food in the U.S. shouldn't surprise anyone. After all, our government subsidizes the primary ingredients in processed foods--wheat, corn, sugar, soybeans and rice--to the tune of billions of dollars per year. Not only are these the most genetically modified foods, but they're also the ones that research has directly linked to a laundry list of illnesses (and to six of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States).

What we choose to subsidize directly affects public health...and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

This is something that must end if we're ever going to solve the obesity-related epidemics running rampant in this country. It's time to change the farm bill and change our ridiculously warped food policy. Organic farming must be subsidized. There has to be a more efficient, cost-effective way of getting food from the farm to the table without the "trendiness" price differential.

In the meantime, if you can't afford to make the switch to a completely organic diet, do what you CAN with the resources you have. While organic food might be ideal, "regular" fruits, vegetables, and meats are still far better for you than the processed junk you'll find lining the inner-shelves of the supermarket. And a much, much better investment in the long run. 
Weird 7-question quiz can predict heart attack
Before he even gets out the blood pressure cuff, one world-renowned physician asks his patients seven weird questions.

Surprisingly, they don’t seem to have ANYTHING to do with your heart.

But these questions are an uncanny predictor of future heart attacks.

In fact, he’s found that this 7-item checklist zeroes in on your true heart health better than any stress test, blood sample, or cardiac catheterization.

Watch this shocking video NOW to find out what these odd questions are… How to find out what each of them means for your heart… And why you should never ignore any of them. 
The Cancer Diagnosis You May Be Better off Ignoring
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Preventing Kidney Stones May Be As Simple As Changing Your Diet
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10 Best Nutrition Tips Ever
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4 Weird Reasons You're Gaining Weight
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