Sunday, May 12, 2013

What I'm about to share with you is absolutely remarkable!

It's the story about a very unique, home-based evaluation process that isolates the ROOT CAUSE of your chronic Acid Reflux; and has been regarded by the medical and scientific community as:

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It's the TRUE story of how the lives of thousands of sufferers have dramatically changed because they now know why they feel the way they do; and why their doctors have 'missed the mark' by prescribing costly prescription drugs — many with dangerous side effects — to control painful Acid Reflux

It's the remarkable story of how Acid Reflux sufferers who were once a prisoner to costly and dangerous medications, chalky antacids, restrictive diets and other home-spun cures, have reversed what was once thought to be an irreversible condition. They finally know theROOT CAUSE of their chronic Acid Reflux.

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The MAP is a technology originally developed by a team of space scientists at NASA to help identify the health of astronauts while off the planet, and has been been used by celebrities, professional athletes, CEO's and people from all over the world to identify the root cause of chronic, unresolved symptoms, like acid reflux and other digestive disorders. 

Please STOP right now and watch this short video on The MAP – a technology originally developed by NASA bio-engineers to evaluate the health of their astronauts

Here's to your health,

Dr. Richard DiCenso

click to see the full story

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