Monday, January 18, 2016

vitamin d sunlight
Switches Off Cancer Genes Then Destroys Itself
In 1979, scientists found that if you took a leukemia cell and incubated it with this, that cell normalized again. Later they found these receptors on colon, prostate, breast, brain, heart, and blood vessels. Once it finishes its job, it miraculously self-destructs...

precocious puberty endocrine disrupting chemicals
Please Don't Let Your Daughter Drink This
Recent research reveals American girls are hitting puberty as young as four to nine - and according to this professor, the age of first menstruation occurred earlier among girls with the highest consumption of this drink...

magnesium atp
If Your Body Is Thirsty for This Vital Mineral, Your Heart's on the Chopping Block
A century ago, we were getting an estimated 500mg from the food we ate, but today we are only getting 150 to 300 grams. And if you're stressed or lacking in sleep, it makes this deficiency far worse - putting you at increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes...

factory farm cannibalism antibiotic use
A New Alarming Meat Discovery That's Impossible to Sugar-Coat
With new proof that many would prefer to ignore, this discovery could change a mere warning to an announcement that we may have crossed the threshold of "no return." It's something I've been pointing out for years, and without immediate action, it truly may be too late. A must-read...

weight of the nation
Don't Regret It Later - Rid Your Home of This Health Bomb Today
Watch out for this debunked myth that millions still believe. Making this mistake could shave years off your lifespan, just as it's doing for kids who are now suffering from heart disease as young as 8 years old. Avoid tragedy and grief... take this critical life-saving step today.

power of kindness
Mother Stunned as Santa Delivers Life-Changing One Liner
When her boy confided his "secret worries" to Santa at the mall, you won't believe what he uttered when asked about the "naughty list." 21 words that will make your jaw drop...

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