Sunday, May 25, 2014

What Cindy Crawford Eats Each Day The model shares her eating philosophy. Learn more here »
How to Look Toned in Under 10 SecondsThese in-a-pinch fitness tricks are utter genius.Read more here »
11 Simple Tricks That Prevent OvereatingIt's easier than you think. Read more here »
The Breakfast That Could Make You Gain Weight
We've got some good news, and we've got some bad news, at least according to the results of a new study into weight gain and breakfast that was recently published in the journal Appetite. First the bad news: Certain types of breakfast foods are definitely associated with weight gain. Now for the good news: OTHER types of breakfast foods are associated with weight LOSS. 
Find out the best and worst breakfast foods for weight loss »
This Beef Has 3 to 5 Times More of This Cancer-Fighting Acid   grass-fed beef
It contains up to 5 times higher levels of an acid that helps fight cancer, decrease insulin resistance, and improve body composition. Plus: it also has higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and this healthy fat. Yet millions still choose the other beef, despite the risks.

VA Hospital Officials Placed On Leave
VA hospitals across the US are being investigated amid allegations that some patients waited months for care and, in some cases, may have died as a result.
Eating This Can Lay Out the Red Carpet for Alzheimer's
When you eat this, you are paving the way for Alzheimer's disease, says this leading neurologist. Plus: the forbidden food you should stop avoiding that may be responsible for disease rates soaring over recent decades...

First Ever Study Reveals Amounts of Food Dyes in Brand Name Foods
Even single servings of many popular foods may expose kids to levels of artificial food dye that have been linked to problem behaviors and other adverse effects.
Keep the Beer, Lose the Belly
Alcohol is more than liquid calories—it's a saboteur that zaps your metabolism. Our guy changed up his drinking habits and lost 10 pounds. We'll drink to that! 
Discover how to stop boozing and drop pounds »
5 Foods That Leave You FoggySome ingredients could contribute to cognitive decline. Read more here »
Crush Calories with a KettlebellBlast fat with one piece of equipment. Read more here »
Grill the Best Cheese BurgerNo, that's not a typo. Read more here »

And the only sweetener
you'll find in my kitchen is...
Dear Reader,

On Tuesday, I told you about a few artificial sweeteners that Americans have been fooled into believing are "healthy" sugar substitutes.

Obviously, they're not. And more and more people are becoming aware of this fact. So they're turning to natural sweeteners instead.

Trouble is, not all natural sweeteners are created equal, either. In fact, some of them are just as unhealthy as the high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar you're trying to avoid. So today, I want to talk about a few of the more popular choices. And explain why there's only one natural sweetener that I can wholeheartedly recommend.

So let's get to it! Starting with my personal favorite, first...


If you want a sweetener, stevia is hands down the healthiest choice. Especially if you have diabetes.

Stevia is a diabetic's best friend. It has zero calories, and it does not spike insulin. In fact, studies show that stevia may be effective in helping improve to blood glucose control and lowering blood pressure. Stevia is also credited with anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.

But even this sweetener comes with a little caveat. There are many different grades of stevia on the market. And unless you use a brand high in steviosides, there can be a bitter aftertaste.

You can find powdered brands in the sugar isle of a lot of grocery stores. Plain or flavored liquid stevia is widely available in health food stores or on the internet. Personally, I like Sweet Leaf the best. But you might find another version you like just as much.

Sugar Alcohols

Sugar alcohols are similar to sugar in sweetness, and can stand in for sugar in cooking.

Xylitol is the most common sugar alcohol. It's made from birch bark or corn cobs. And it's pretty widely considered safe. In fact, xylitol may actually boost immunity and help protect against degenerative diseases. Research shows it can also prevent growth of harmful bacteria, which helps to reduce plaque on teeth and prevent cavities.

But there's a catch. Some people do have troubling side effects from sugar alcohols--like gas, bloating, cramps, and diarrhea. And these aren't exactly minor complaints--particularly if you're consuming a lot of sugar alcohols on a regular basis. Plus, although these sugar substitutes contain zero (or minimal) calories, they can impact insulin levels.


This is stevia's sophisticated cousin. It's a combination of stevia and erythritol (another sugar alcohol). It is readily available in grocery stores and is easy to use in cooking or coffee, as it has a similar consistency to sugar.

But despite the fact that it's easy to find and it doesn't affect blood sugar levels, I don't wholeheartedly endorse the use of these designer stevia siblings, because they're pretty heavily processed and primarily composed of sugar alcohol. (Not to mention other mystery ingredients.)

And even though erythritol seems to cause less GI symptoms than xylitol or mannitol (another sugar alcohol), it's still a concern.


The medicinal qualities of honey have been hailed since ancient times. And modern science has confirmed that yes, honey is oozing with antioxidants and healing microbes. As a sweetener, it's a perfectly natural blend of sucrose (sugar) and fructose--but without the harmful effects of HFCS. So honey is definitely a safe, natural substitute for sugar.

But--and this is a big but--just like refined sugar, honey does affect blood sugar. It also has slightly more carbohydrates and more calories per teaspoon, too. So that makes it a bad idea for people with diabetes or pre-diabetes. And for everyone else, moderation is crucial.

Palm sugar

Palm sugar comes from the flowers that grow high on coconut trees. (That's why it's sometimes called coconut sugar.) The nectar is collected and air-dried to form the crystalline sugar. It looks, tastes, dissolves, and melts almost exactly like sugar. But it's completely natural and unrefined.

However, palm sugar is not a calorie-free sweetener. It has calories like any carbohydrate.

What sets it apart is its relatively low glycemic index. So the calories are supposedly absorbed into the bloodstream at a significantly slower rate than regular refined sugar. This is the reason it appeals to those monitoring their blood-sugar levels and attempting to avoid blood-sugar spikes.

However, I am not altogether on-board with the theory that palm sugar is good for you just because it's low-glycemic. Food issues are always more complex than that. And if you're trying to lose weight, I would avoid it.


Agave, which comes from a desert plant, has received a lot of attention recently as an alternative to sugar. But unfortunately, its reputation is more than a little deceptive. Dangerously so, in my opinion.

Agave is fructose that is processed into a syrup or liquid, similar to high fructose corn syrup. And by similar, I mean that it features every bit as much fructose as HFCS. In fact, agave is almost entirely fructose. Which should tell you all you need to know about this particular sweetener.

Sure, it's more "pure" than HFCS. But it's still a processed fructose that absolutely impacts blood sugar and insulin levels.

So I don't recommend it.

In fact, the only sweetener I personally use is stevia. And even then, I only use it sparingly.

Remember, the whole point of the Fed Up Sugar Challenge is to balance your body and re-sensitize your taste buds. Reach this goal, and you'll see that just a touch of sweetness really does go a long way.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred


Cardiovasc Hematol Agents Med Chem. 2010 Apr;8(2):113-27

Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Jan;121(1):41-54. 
Beat the pants off of this
"unseen source" of aging…
When you grab back the reins from this hidden source--your weight loss goals can suddenly soar--your sex life can rage on like a 3-alarm fire--your sleep can improve dramatically…

Today, I want you to discover my very own personal secret to capturing your youth.

It's specifically designed to beat the pants off of this "unseen source" and keep your body strong, focused and energized
11 Weird Things Sugar's Doing to Your BodySugar is wrecking your face, and other strange new findings. Read more here »
The Most Food Dye-Laden Processed FoodsYou know food dye's bad for you. A new study from Purdue shows the alarming levels in some of America's favorite grocery store picks. Read more here »
6 Startling Secrets From a Food Industry InsiderFood additives and other nasty tricks worry this former food executive the most. Read more here »
6 Sneaky Sugar Marketing Tricks
Too much sugar can wreak major havoc on your body. We're talking freaky stuff like accelerated aging and fat encasing your organs! Just like Big Tobacco, the food industry knows exactly how to sell you sugar...and still make you think that being overweight is your fault. 
Click here for 6 sneaky sugar marketing tricks to avoid! »
 Solution to anxiety, nervousness, and panic:

The response to this has been overwhelming... and touching.

I wasn't 100% sure that I wanted to share my history of anxiety and panic disorder with the world.

My wife and friends convinced me that it was wise to do so, because I know this new "brain hack" can solve the problem fast.

Let me end by saying this:

As someone who has dieted down from obesity to a ridiculous 4.5% bodyfat (I do not recommend you try that!), I know all about dieter's anxiety:

I'm shocked that more doctors don't discuss it with their patients.

Dieter's Anxiety is a condition where your mind believes your body is under attack (lower calories) and it catapults you into fear, nervousness, anxiety, and even sugar cravings.

Then there's social anxiety...a condition that is so easy to fix with this Solution, yet one that cripples nearly 20M people in America alone.

And of course there's what I have: actual 'panic' disorder.

I treated my with a doctor... and I believe everyone who has a 'true' disorder of this nature must see a doctor.

However, my doctor suggested that I use the very same methods as this presentation reveals:

Please do yourself and your loved ones a favor and watch it now.

Anxiety is not something anyone deserves to live with.

I truly hope you find this as soothing and calming as I do.

Jon Benson
CEO, Fitology 
Can You Hold This Position for Two Minutes?   Planking
If you can, congratulations! You likely have good core strength and are not carrying around excess pounds. Developing your core muscles is key for flatter abs, avoiding back pain, and improving continence, stability, and strength. Perfect for those who sit long hours.

Senseless: An In-Depth Look at the State of Bicycling Helmet Technology
Bicyclists fasten on a helmet, expecting it to protect them from injury if they get in an accident or serious fall. But what most bicyclists don't know about helmets can truly harm them. If you or a loved one enjoy bicycling, this is a must-read.
It’s here! My brand new,
NuLogic Foods Macadamia Nut Oil
It's the secret weapon my patients swear by for their health. And it's the one ingredient I never, ever cook without.

I'm talking about macadamia nut oil.

I've been passionate about the benefits of this unique oil for years. And now I'm thrilled to announce the availability of my very own brand--NuLogic Foods Macadamia Nut Oil.

This premium, virgin oil tastes great, is easy to use, and couldn't be better for you. In fact, it's absolutely packed with the healthiest fats you can eat--monounsaturated fatty acids, or MUFAs. Research shows that a diet rich in MUFAs can help…
  • Keep blood sugar steady
  • Protect your brain and helps preserve your memory guard your heart
  • Boost your metabolism, helping you shed excess pounds--and keep them off
Don't miss this chance to stock up on the secret ingredient your recipes have been missing -- my all-new NuLogic Foods Macadamia Nut Oil
Your cheat sheet for permanent
sugar-free success
Dear Reader,

Congratulations! You conquered the Fed Up Sugar Challenge.

I hope you've witnessed firsthand that even the most die-hard sweet tooth can get by WITHOUT SUGAR. And as we talked about this week, there are a lot of other alternatives out there to choose from. (Pure stevia being your absolute, hands-down best bet.)

But knowing this is one thing. Actually staying away from the bad stuff is a whole other ballgame. And it requires some extra vigilance in the grocery store.

Sugar imposters sneak their way into a whole lot of products. Even a few that you wouldn't necessarily expect, like yogurt, "smart" water drinks, and chewing gum.

If you really want to make the most of your new, sugar-free life, you need to be on the lookout for more than just sugar. Hopefully, you're already reading the label of every product you pick up. So make sure you check for any of the ingredients in the following "cheat sheet," too.

And if you see any red flags on the list, put it back on the shelf.

Your sugar substitute cheat sheet

Saccharin Agave

Truvia/PureVia (combinations of stevia and sugar alcohols)
Sugar alcohols (xylitol, mannitol)
Palm (or coconut) sugar

Can you really soar past 100 with ease?
What do you want? A sexual surge…lean muscle that will make your friends jealous…a memory that can glide you through Jeopardy, nailing every "daily double?"

Or do you want all of it? Who wouldn't?

If you think resveratrol, astaxanthin and acai are the cream of the crop for anti-aging--think again…

Forget those other anti-aging amateurs and do not wait on this. If you remember the rush astaxanthin created when it was first released--I'm betting this will be 100x more frantic. 
This Is Your Body On Coffee
You alternate between swearing off caffeine—for real this time!—and feeling good about two (healthy, right?) cups per day. But what is that jitter-making, heart-palpitating brew really doing to you? Check out just what happens to your body on coffee. 
This is your body on coffee »
10 Meals In Mason Jars You Have To TryLayers of portable, power-packed goodness. Read more here »
100 Ways To Cut 100 CaloriesWho knew it could be so easy? Read more here »
7 Time-Saving Beauty Tips For Your Crazy MorningsEasy ways to shave minutes off your routine. Read more here »
Saturated fat is bad for your heart, right?

New Cambridge University Study Of Over 599,964 People
Suggests They Can Actually Support Your Heart Health

We have all been told that eating foods high in saturated fats like butter, cheese and burgers is bad for your heart...

But according to a huge study by Cambridge University this ‘accepted’ wisdom may actually be wrong!

In the new study, researchers gathered data from over 599,964 people in 18 different countries.

They analyzed the links between heart health, diet and exercise.

When they reviewed all the data, they discovered an jawdropping pattern…

People who ate diets based on foods containing saturated fats like butter, meat, and cream had no greater risk of heart problems than people who ate low-fat diets…

In fact, certain saturated fats in dairy products actually protect heart health!

Not only that, independent research found that you can cut your risk of heart problems even more by switching to Mediterranean type foods like olive oil, cheese and tomatoes…

Of course, for many people that is not possible.

That’s why researchers were delighted when they discovered a new breakthrough that allows you to get all the benefits of a Mediterranean Diet with changing your diet or lifestyle in any way...

To discover more about this breakthrough, watch this free presentation now…

Studies in The Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and other publications show this breakthrough helps...
  • Promote artery health by as much as 75%...
  • Lower blood pressure risk by up to 30%...
  • Slash heart risk by up to 46%...
And much more...
That’s why, if you want a proven way to support your health as you get older, you must watch this free video presentation now...


Marine Essentials